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When you go as low as you possibly can there's only one way to go.. and that's up...

Four weeks ago I was admitted to the Royal Victoria Hospital because my baclofen pump got infected and started protruding through my skin which gave me sepsis. I had to go into intensive care twice. One of the nights i was in intensive care i was quite close to death - (this is God showing up in a marvellous way and i still cant believe it happened) A friend of Jem who went to her school but she emigrated to Australia and has been there the last 40 years sent a message to Jem’s phone saying - "hey you guys over there in northern Ireland. It is daytime here in Australia and God has told me to stand up in front of the church and pray for Gareth, that he is going through something, I'm not so sure what it is, but I know I must pray for him". This woman didn't know me, Who i was, What i was doing. Where i was or how ill I had been. It was a supernatural God wink. I have been through the operation to get my new baclofen pump in. All the sites are looking lovely and well healed and also the way God has placed Christians around me, so many so that i almost don't believe it myself. They have a NG tube going up my nose and down into my stomach. And all the nutrients that I've been getting have been going through it which has left me with not so great an appetite. My appetite was always bad but I haven't been eating much so they're keeping it in for now but I want to be free from it. The pain of the whole thing - I hate it with a passion. Lets just say the food in this hospital is so atrociously bad all I've been eating is yoghurts and McDonalds fries! The things I look forward too when going home are Chinese food, Vindaloo, McDonalds, Kentucky fried chicken and pizza hut. I was never a good eater but this place has brought it to another level. There has been a new computer system put into the Royal and lets just say its been a nightmare of biblical proportions. The Eastern Trust has went digital, there is no more paperwork, no more charts anymore, just computers. The new American system has slowed everything up. I was unlucky enough to arrive on the first day it was introduced and i don't know how the nurses held their nerve because if it had of been me the computer would have been out the window! It has put extra pressure on an already busy hospital. I have fears for the next step in the evolution of this technology. They used to check the name band on your arm, now you get scanned like your in Tesco's! On your armband there is a barcode that they have to scan it to administer anything. My fear is where they introduce chips instead of barcodes, so to say that this hospital has took one step closer to introducing the chip that the bible warns us believers not to take. It is proven to me that the days are short and i can almost hear the footsteps of the Messiah Yeshua returning. Whenever i was on withdrawal from the baclofen they kept asking me questions to make sure in was in my right mind. One of the nights they asked me what my name was and i answered “my name is Donald Trump” and then they asked me where i lived and i said “Israel” which if anybody knows me at all they will know why i said both of those things. In the journey of what I've been through one of my hips has already had the head of the femur removed and the other one is now bone to bone. When I am getting rolled i am crying my eyes out in pain although they have been giving me a great cocktail of pain relief. When I'm laying still it keeps me comfortable but having to be rolled is unbearable which is an understatement. If you could pray that my diabetes can come under control and that no infection would set in anywhere. I have heard many stories from people who where Christians and lost their faith for whatever reason. I was speaking to an auxiliary who happened to be a Muslim even though he was brought up a Christian. We need to pray hard for the Muslims of the world, being in Hospital with them and seeing the love and care they showed me you cant tar and feather everyone with the same brush. Yes there are radicals in everything but thankfully things seem to be looking up. I have been keeping up with all of my Israel programmes and my social media, I'm sorry for not having been in contact but Gareth Cahoon still speaks. There was one nurse in particular who looked after me in intensive care and the amount of love she has shown me is amazing. She was on the ball and realized that it was the baclofen withdrawal that was sending my heartrate 210/110. I have fluid in the bottom half of my body. They are going to give me something to disperse the fluid but the last time they gave it i went unconscious so to say I'm fearful is an understatement. If you could pray that my blood pressure would stay stable and the fluid would go away without causing any further complications. To say that Jem has been amazing is an understatement. She is my best friend, wife and everything that I need. She was there for me and if she hadn't have been i don't think i would have made it. She keeps my spirits up. Pray that God gives her everything she needs. When my mum passed away I never mourned her death because it didn't break through, but when i was in intensive care i completely broke down over my mums passing and it has been so relieving. I never usually cry because I've got the greatest faith that anyone has ever had because the way God has shown up for me in this hospital. Showing me small mercies. You know what they say, what doesn't kill you makes you stronger. If you don't have faith in the god who made this universe then I implore you to pray up, to look up for our redemption draws near. I have been on such a short thread of life that i know they didn't think i was going to make it, the evidence was looking like i was on my way out - fast. I've got the blood of the precious Jewish Messiah Yeshua running through my veins. I've never spoken in tongues as much as the past Four weeks in hospital, He comforts My soul. We are in a side room, some of the patients are really ill. If i could ask you to pray for the Royal Victoria Hospital and all of its nurses, all of the patients, all of the cleaners, even down to the very people that bring my wife coffee and me tea. Also pray that my breathing will get stronger because at the moment im still needing oxygen, and that they don't send me home until i get something done with my hip because the pain.. i have never felt a pain like it! They may as well be driving nails into me whenever they are turning me. I just want to shoutout to all of Jem’s Kids and our grandkids. I miss you all very much. I didn't realize just how much i needed the love. I'm also missing my wee dog but i know that she is being looked after by the most beautiful granddaughter that a man could have. Thankyou to Scarlett for minding the dog and for Jordan, you looked so lovely in your dress dancing. Joshua, your a really good boy for winning the award! and also to Jesse who's only four who tells his mummy he will pray for me three times a day. To my best mate TJ, I cant wait to see you and meet your beautiful girlfriend and to Rachel and Michael for keeping in contact and for Rachel being in the medical field it was good to know she was there. To Neil and Stacey, thankyou for all you are doing for star . I love you both too. To Debbie and to Steven for cutting the grass at home, for keeping an eye on me and Jem and coming down every week bringing us supplies from home. I have felt a big warm hug from everyone which has been so comforting! To Daniel - thankyou to you and Emma for coming down and note to Steven - whenever i get home i will make use of that pizza hut promise you gave me and to ollie thanks for all the wee texts you sent, Seeing your wee face that I've missed.. i cant wait to get home to do a big fart! By the way ollie, Donald Trumps on tonight in a debate with Joe Biden. lets just say my eyes will be all over it because they have been trying to get Joe to stand for however long the debate is going to last which should be fun to watch. They have picked left leaning news castors who are heavily paid by the democratic party so it will be one sided against Trump but Trump has got this. Everything they try to stick to him will run off his back like water and that's because Gods hand is still on Trump for such a time as this. I want to thank Complete homecare team for keeping my place open while im in here to say that was good news was just like icing on top of the cake. I would just say to anybody who was in need of good carers to think of Complete Homecare because they are a really good reputable company and they really care for they're clients. Nearly all the programmes i watch at home are on the tablet because believe it or not there are no TV's on the ward in the royal but there is good internet so i am getting access to all the programmes and shows i have access to at home. Whenever i was in intensive care my memory went blank. I had Delirium because i had learned the Aaronic blessing in Hebrew, i had lost all the scripture memories that i had and it really worried me as i thought i was loosing my mind but the memory of it stayed. When i was in delirium all i kept saying was thankyou, thankyou, thankyou, thankyou. But I hadn't forgotten one iota of anything I have learned over the past 20 years. This is the thing that has comforted me most, this saying that kept me alive, This is what i believe. Yahveh in front, Yeshua standing at my rear guard, the Ruach ha kodesh in the middle. My guardian angel who is always there for my protection and the Great Heavenly host who is looking down willing my good. Its what i call the love sandwich. If i forget thee oh Jerusalem If I forget you, O Jerusalem, Let my right hand forget its skill! If I do not remember you, Let my tongue cling to the roof of my mouth— If I do not exalt Jerusalem Above my chief joy. pray for the peace of Jerusalem for they will prosper they that love thee. A big shoutout to Tommy Robinson for all your going through. for Mayhar Tousi and Benny Johnson who keep me in craic. The 700 club which has always been my constant and all the various places that i watch Israel news. I have been kept alive for such a time as this . Gods not done with me yet. I think i have got three people to return to their faith because of me sharing my faith with them. God works in mysterious ways.

shalom!!! maranatha!!! hallelujah!!!

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