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The NHS are absolutely amazing!

Hello this is gareth Cahoon Speaks back with another post. A few days ago the Baclofen pump that i had placed in My abdomen started protruding through My skin with infection. We had the acute home care team coming into My home because of infection. The Acute Homecare team sent a picture of my side to the Royal in Belfast and they said i was to be taken to the Hospital straight away and arranged an ambulance. Although they wernt as shocked as My Wife when she seen the pump protruding from My skin!

The Ambulance came and we where brought to a side room in Nurology. Im due to go down to have the pump removed tomorrow. So pray that it happens tomarrow and that the Surgery goes okay and that theyre is no infection around the site. The care that i have had in the Royal Victoria Hospital was exemplary. I just want to give a shout out to anyone that has been caring for Me including My Wife! She has been absolutely amazing staying with Me every step of the way. I want to thank everybody at home who has been praying and keeping in touch while i have been in here. The care that i have been receiving from the Ambulance drivers, nursing staff, the auxiliaries and the doctors has been absolutely amazing!

I want to say thankyou for the good care that they have given me and also the way they have looked after My wife. It has made this horrible ordeal pass by and My spirits are still up and for the situation that i am in i think that it is nothing only a God wink even though the Bible says God never winks, the person that i want to thank for My life and My health even though it’s going through a storm at the minute. Yahveh in front, Yeshua at My rear guard, the Ruach Ha Kodesh in the middle, My guardian angel who has been working over Time and the Great heavenly host looking down willing my good. If you’ve got any faith at all hold onto it because like the Bible says he works everything togeather for the power of good, for those who love him and are called according to his purposes. If I didn’t have My faith to cling to at the moment i would be coming apart at the seems with worry because what i seen in my side was enough to scare the living daylights out of anybody and even though my Wife dosnt want me too ill probably take a photo and show the world! Thank the living Yeshua who’s very blood is running through my veins. It helps me go on to have faith in the future and to live everyday for him going back to the care I’ve had in the hospital i just have to tell anybody who is afraid of going into hospital that theyre fears are unwarranted and the care is A+from the highest rung of the ladder to the staff that empty the bins they have made this hospital stay pass without sins. Thankyou everybody that loves me, everybody that has cared for me and everybody who follows me on My social media. I would never be on social media if I didn’t want to share my faith in a absolute saviour that loves us and cares for every little detail. I want to also thank the McCartney family for looking after my dog, Star. They sent me a picture last night of star’s reaction once hearing the words “where’s jem? Where’s gareth?” She looked around the room like she was lost! I miss her more than I miss the human beings in My life but i have always been an animal lover and my wee dog brings Me joy every time she comes into the room. I named her Star because of the Magen David (Star of David) because of the love i have for the Jewish people i have kept in touch with everything that’s going on there thanks to the power of the iPad & Sky Go! There isn’t a TV in my room which in criminal. My prayer for Them is that the God of Israel and the power of his might would wipe out the trace of any Anti-Semite. I know what’s going on there to the world it seems like Israel is the aggressor but they have done more than any army has ever done even though they have the secular leftist media going after them like rampant dogs empowered by the hatred that is embroiled within them. My wife always tells me that my posts are too long but i like to think im singing a song! She also says that im nuts too but i tell her im whole - Hazel nuts!

Shalom!!! Maranatha!!! Hallelujah!!!

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