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If I had nothing to live for, I have everything to die for

Hi everybody, im sure you have read how ill I am. I just wanted to let you know that even though I am paralysed from the shoulders down don’t count me out. I have a wonderful wife and family and they give me everything to live for. They are absolutely amazing, The reason this post was called nothing to live for I have everything to die for. I believe in yavavh and see his miracles every day. He is the father of the Lord Jesus Christ (messiah Yeshua) And the Holy Spirit (Ruach ha kodesh) also I have my guardian angel always there for my protection and the great heavenly host who are looking down and praying My good with this perfect love sandwich and the promise of heaven. I watch every day to hear the sound Of the shofar. As each day passes the world grows darker and the promise of his coming gets even more beautiful so pray up, look up, cheer up for his redemption draws even nearer I am alive at the moment, but the word says I should die daily for me to live is Christ and to die is to gain this world is beautiful and so are it people but the promise that awaits us Is so beautiful it has gates made of pearls, streets made of gold and its walls are made of the most precious stones. When you get there you’ll hear no groans. There is no sea but there is a river that flows from the throne of Yahveh and after meeting him you’ll have nothing to say, there is no words for us to repay for his beauty is beyond anything we’ve seen so folks, let this be the end of my story and to God be the glory

shalom!!! Maranatha!!! Hallelujah!!!

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